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Code 201 Class 1 Reading Notes


When you visit a website, the web server hosting that site could be anywhere in the world. in order fo you to find the location of the web server, your browser will first connect to a Domain Name System(DNS) server.

1) When you connect to the web, you do so via an Internet Service Provider (ISP). You type a domain name or web address into your browser to visit a site; for example,,

2) Your computer contacts a network of servers call Domain Name System(DNS) servers. These act like phone books; they tell your computer the IP address asssociated with the requested domain name.

3) The unique number that the DNS server returns to your computer allows your browser to contact the web server that hosts the website you requested.

4) The web server then sends the page you requested back to your web browser.


Process & Design

Asking ‘Who’, ‘What’, and ‘Why’ quetions for people coming to use your website will aid in the design of your website. Creating a short list with a short background of people who potentially could go to your website will help keep you one track for this.

Creating a site map will help include what you want in your site as well as creating wireframes. A wireframe is a simple sketch of the key information that needs to go on each page of a site.


Scripts are made up of instructions a computer can follow step-by-step.

A browser may use different parts of the script depending on how the user interacts with the web page.

Scripts can run different sections of the code in response to the situation around them.

Successfully writing a script starts with defining a goal. Then designing the script, which means writing down individual steps for the computer to perform in order to complete each individual task. Finally, code each step.

HTML is a language where the content of the page lives. It’s the ‘bones’ of a web browser.

CSS is the presentation layer, which enhances the HTML page with rules that state how the HTML content is presented. The skin and clothes of the web browser. Javascript is the behavior layer, which is how the page behaves, adding interactivity. This is the personality of the web browser, if you will.