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Code 301 Class 07 Reading Notes

How I explained REST to my Brother

  1. Who is Roy Fielding? A computer scientest, one of the principal authors of the HTTP specification and the originator of the Representational State Transfer architectural style, also known as REST.
  2. Why don’t the techniques that we use today work well when we need to be able to talk to all of the machines in the world? I think because without REST it would take a long time to do this. Even with REST, it will take an unordinate amount of time and code to impliment this.
  3. What is the HTTP protocol that Fielding and his friends created? REST
  4. What does a GET do? it GETs stuff, using the HTTP protocol onto data in specified urls untill all the resources are obtained and the web pages are obtained.
  5. What does a POST do? If a system needs to add something to another system, it would use an HTTP verb of POST
  6. What does PUT do? If a system wants to replace something in another system, it uses an HTTP verb of PUT
  7. What does PATCH do? If it is a partial update, the system will use will use PATCH

API Keys

  1. Geocoding API Yes
  2. Weather Bit API Yes
  3. Yelp API Docs Yes
  4. Movie DB DPI Docs No

Things I want to know more about

From what I learned last week, it was difficult for me to stack that to todays lessons. Not sure where I missed the mark, but probably would be good to do a bit of review.