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Code 301 Class 11 Reading Notes

nosql vs sql

Databases are primarly called as Relational Databases (REDBMS) Databases are primarly called as non-relational or distributed database
Databases represent data in form of tables which consists of n number of rows of data Databases are the collection of key-value pair, documents, graph databases or wide column stores which do not have standard schema definitions which it needs to adhered to
Databases have predifined schema Databases have dynamic schema for unstructured data
Databases are vertically scalable. They are scaled by increasing the hourse-power of the hardware Databases are horizontally scalable. They are scaled by increasing the databases servers in the pool of resources to reduce load
Databases uses SQL (structure query language) for defining and manipulating the data, which is very powerful Databases have queries which are focused on collection of documents. Sometimes this is referred as UnQL (Unstructured Query Language). The syntax of using UnQL varies from database to database.
  1. What kind of data is a good fit for an SQL database? SELECT id, name price FROM products
  2. Give a real world example. Customer data that includes name, address, city, postal code, and country, as input values
  3. What kind of data is a good fit a NoSQL database? Highly preferred for large data set.
  4. Give a real world example. Can use customer data as well, with key-values
  5. Which type of database is best for hierarchical data storage? NoSQL
  6. Which type of database is best for scalability SQL

sql vs nosql

  1. What does SQL stand for? Structured Query Language
  2. What is a relational database? It works with certain assumptions in a certain way. This works with databases such as a products table.
  3. What type of structure does a relational database work with? A products table.
  4. What is a ‘schema’? Defines how data is organized within a relational database. This is inclusive of logical constraints such as, table names, fields, data types, and the relationships between these entities.
  5. What is inside of a Mongo database? Contains Collections, inside Collections we have Documents. It is good for Heavy Data, Extensive REad/Write DB Operations.
  6. Which is more flexible - SQL or MongoDB? and why. MongoDB is more flexible, as it doesn’t need the collections to have the same set of fields. SQL uses RDBMS which requires same sets of fields.
  7. What is the disadvantage of a NoSQL database? NoSQL is not as efficient when coming to analytics and drawing business insights, as SQL. Does best with few features.

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