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Code 401 Class 19 Reading Notes

Python Regular Expressions Tutorial

Basic Pattern: Ordinary Characters

Ordinary characters are the simplest regular expressions. They match themselves exactly and do not have a special meaning in their regular expression syntax.

Example of ordinary characters used to perform simple exact matches:

pattern = r"Cookie"
sequence = "Cookie"
if re.match(pattern, sequence):
else: print("Not a match!")

> Output: Match!

Wild Card Characters: Special Characters, are characters that do no match themselves as seen but have a special meaning when used in a regular expression. Can be thought of as reserved metacharacters that denote something else and not what they look like.

. - A period. Matches any single character except the newline characters

Example’Co.k.e’, ‘Cookie’).group()


Standard Library reference for a complete list.

compile(patter, flags=0): can computer a regular expression pattern into a regular expression object.

search(pattern, string, flags=0), can scan through the given string/sequence, looking for the first location where the regular expression produces a match.

match(patter, string, flags=0), Returns a corresponding match object if zero or more characters at the beginning of string match the pattern

findall(pattern, string, flags=0), possible matches in the entire sequence and returns them as a list of strings. Each returned string represents one match.

finditer(string, [position, end_position]), finds all the possible matches in the entire sequence but returns regex match objects as an iterator.

Things I want to know more about

Love these functions that ‘re’ has.