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Code 401 Class 36 Reading Notes

Whiteboard Advice


Best piece of technical interview advice is to communicate.

What is “communicate?”

7 Tips

1. Take a few Minutes

2. Write down the steps of the solution

- Start at middle of array.
- Keep variables tracking left and right boundaries of search area.
- If value equal to search_val, return true.
- If left and right boundaries are adjacent, return false.
- If value bigger than search_val, go halfway towards left boundary, and move the right boundary along with us.
- If value smaller than search_val, go halfway towards right boundary, and move the left boundary along with us.

3. Write pseudocode first

4. Don’t sweat the small stuff

These aren’t about how well you have remembered your semicolons. They are about demonstrating depth and breadth of knowledge, personality strengths, and problem-solving abilities. Bruch off the mistakes you made and move along.

If you can’t remember something without looking it up, say that.

“…and here, I’d use whatever the list.contains() equivalent is in JavaScript. I know it’s not contains, but I can’t remember the method name right now, so we’ll call it contains() for now and I’d look it up right now if I were coding this.”

5. Sit down. Be humble

By providing help and feedback in the interview, they are offering you a chance to show you you can think and work some more.

6. Come prepared

You’ve gotten the interview, your doing the white board, you have done all you can do up until that point to be a better programmer. Now is your time to shine.

7. Review your work

Things I want to know more about

How to input DS in brain directly.